Case Study

Angel logo

Angel Brand is the leading and trusted sauce and condiments brand in Malaysia. Its products are made from non-GMO ingredients and without added MSG.

Campaign Objective

To create brand awareness for its soy sauce brand during the Chinese New Year celebration

Prepare a cuisine for Chinese New Year with
Angel Brand

KOL Marketing

8 Content creators were engaged to create different ideas, integrating the products into the content.

KOCs cook with Angel Brand

3 KOCs were engaged to create video contents on Xiao Hong Shu to showcase how they used soy sauce in daily cooking.

PR Gifts

In conjunction with Chinese New Year, Needle designed a vintage style PR Gift.

“You Try Try” Series

The Needle Team created a user experience video series that engaged members of the public to participate and try out the products. Watch here.

Campaign Outcome

Significant increase in sales

This is a testament to the quality of the product and the effectiveness of the campaign messaging, which emphasised the unique flavour and versatility of Angel Brand soy sauce.

Strong social media engagement

The engagement helped create a sense of community around the brand and build a loyal customer base.

Improving brand awareness

More consumers became familiar with Angel Brand and its products.

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