Step by Step Instructions
1. Press the Connect to Facebook button
After signing-up and logging in as an influencer, you must link your social media pages in order for advertisers to find you.
2. Continue with your Facebook account
Confirm with Facebook which account you want to use for Needle.
3. Choose which Pages to use with Needle
If you manage multiple Facebook Pages, you can choose which one to be used with Needle.
4. Give Needle permission
Please switch all permission to “YES” for Needle to function properly.
And we’re done!
Step by Step Instructions
5. Press the “Connect My Instagram Account” button
After signing-up and logging in as an influencer, you must link your social media pages in order for advertisers to find you.
6. Connect Account
Please note: an Instagram Business account must have a corresponding Facebook Page account. This is enforced by Facebook. (We will begin accepting Personal Instagram accounts very soon.)
7. Choose the Instagram accounts to be linked
Select the Instgram accounts which you want linked to Needle. Press the “Next” button and grant Needle the requested permissions.
To make sure all the links are OK…
8. Click on “Connect my Facebook Page”
9. Click on Edit Settings
10. You will see all the linked pages here
And we’re done!